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The raven part 1

While all the world but you is asleep
the silence will be creeping in.
You'll feel the darkness flowing
through some cuts really deep in.

You'll hear the raven's croak
and your heart shakes with hers.
You've let your loneliness soak -
too late for around to turn.

You've poisoned your soul with hate
and trampled your love with fears.
By pain your heart feels raped
the raven will share your tears.

You'll ask for the raven to join
this night's dreadful journey.
For now, with you she cant adjoin
you must learn to own your misery.

The silhouettes of haunting memories
will mock you straight to the end.
And all the passed atrocities
will never ever again let you pretend.

The raven will soon fly again
as soon as the sun will shine.
You'll need to throb the den
of your past, this night
it just can't survive.

You'll fly with the raven soon.
Forgiveness will give you the wings.
By the time of next full moon -
salvation, freedom it brings.

— Taavi Järv
16/07/2019 Kategooriata


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Taavi Järv

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  • Autor: taavijx (Taavi Järv)
  • Lisatud: 16/07/2019 14:30
  • Kategooria: Kategooriata
  • Vaatamisi täna: 0
  • Vaatamisi kokku: 1245
  • Kopeeritud: 0

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